Terms & Conditions

When visiting SimplyWorkout.com, visitors agree to the Terms of Service as mentioned on this page. We reserve the right to update, revise or append the Terms of Service at any time by posting such modifications for public view. Be sure to carefully examine this page as necessary to check for any changes to the service agreement since it can impact your relationship with SimplyWorkout.com

Point of Reference
“SimplyWorkout.com” refers to the entire staff and partners with which we conduct business.

Information That We Collect
SimplyWorkout.com will never collect information about you unless otherwise authorized and provided by you. We do not engage in the collection of any information specific to you or your visit.

Content, Objects and Intellectual Property Rights
All content, objects (including but not limited to applications, processes and software used to render objects) and other related materials belong to SimplyWorkout.com, unless indicated otherwise. All content and objects owned by SimplyWorkout.com are governed and protected by state and federal laws, such as copyrights, trade marks, and intellectual property rights. Only third-party materials, brands, trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
Any interactions you have with SimplyWorkout.com becomes our property and may be transcribed, recorded, published or sold as is allowed within the constraints of applicable local, state and federal laws. We are not responsible for errors, omissions, sic content as produced by you or other users, opinions, third-party embedded information, or any other content provided by this website. You fully acknowledge that any decisions you make based on the information gathered through the use of SimplyWorkout.com is done at your own risk. Content and objects on SimplyWorkout.com cannot not be altered, edited, reproduced, reposted, mirrored, moved, downloaded, distributed or published without soliciting written consent. We maintain the right to update, append or remove content, refuse access or discontinue use of the website without previous notification.

Trademarks and Copyrights
Information within this website is copyrighted by SimplyWorkout.com, except in cases where images, applications or text is dually licensed and approved from affiliates or third-party vendors.

Third Party Content, Links, Associations and Purchases
SimplyWorkout.com provides links to third-party websites for the purposes of research, information, and to facilitate the process of product or service acquisition. We are not held responsible for any such items which are on third-party websites or purchases of products from these third party websites.

Regulations and Governing Law
By accessing this site you are subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. Unauthorized access or use will be prosecuted in accordance with federal and state laws.

Statement of Liability and General Disclaimer
You assume all responsibility for any damages that may result from using this website. All products, services, information and content is furnished to you “as is” without any guarantee. SimplyWorkout.com will not assume liability for any damages (including residual, special, consequential or indirect) that may result from the use of the materials provided through the use of this website, even if SimplyWorkout.com has previously been informed that the potential for such damages exist.

Comments Policy
Comments on this blog are encouraged and we welcome all kinds of thoughts, supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise. There are however a few conditions and rules governing comments on this blog. 1) This blog is “family friendly” and comments which include offensive or inappropriate language, or considered by the blog owner and administrator to be rude and offensive, will be edited or deleted. Play nice. 2) A comment which does not add to the conversation, runs of on an inappropriate tangent, or kills the conversation may be edited, moved, or deleted. 3). This blog is setup to automatically hold any blog comment with more than two links in moderation, which may delay your comment from appearing on this blog. Any blog comment with more than four links could be marked as comment spam. 4) Comments on this blog will only be responded to in direct response to the blog comment. The blogger will not (or will) respond privately via email or other communication method to a blog comment. 5) Any comment assumed to be possible comment spam will be deleted and marked as comment spam. 6) The blog owner, administrator, contributors, and editors reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments. They also have the right to block access to any one or group from commenting or from the entire blog. 7) Affiliate links and/or any other links in comments deemed inappropriate maybe be edited or deleted. 8. Any comments which are deemed purely for SEO purposes will be deleted. 9. All comments within this blog are the responsibility of the commenter, not the blog owner, administrator, contributor, editor, or author. By submitting a comment on our blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and to hold this site, [name], and all subsidiaries and representatives harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability.